Monday, September 2, 2013

Annual kayak and hiking trip on the West Coast

The Wikki Wannabees were a little worried about the weather forecast so kayaked off Ucluelet instead of going up into the Sound, then hikes on the new Lighthouse Trail, Schooner Trail, Chesterman's Beach and Cox Bay for sunset one evening.
Four days of total outdoor recreation, great food and wonderful friendship.

Loading on the last kayaks

everyone ready?

Off loading at Little Beach

Off to Amphrodite Point and George Fraser Islands

Lots of kelp and foam around the point

Bubble bath for Sue

Try the open ocean waters

Whale sightings but camera in my pocket!  Drats!

Lunch stop at George Fraser Island

Weaving our way back to Ucluelet Inlet

Three dogs prefer that we hike rather than kayak.

Lighthouse Trail

Wonderful old growth snags

Lennard Island in the distance

We are rather small in the greater scheme of things!

Three amigos love the beach!

Town square in Tofino

Chesterman Beach busy on the last Sunday of the summer

Cox Bay sunset

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