Thursday, January 9, 2014

Two weeks at la Penita RV Park

Jan 10,2013

We rented a fifth wheel trailer from Carol and are becoming "park folks". This park has 120 sites and many many full season BCers! Huge motorhomes and fifth wheels all tiered up from the ocean.
We live on Grassi Lane right beside Hank's Tope. According to folks on our street, we have the friendliest group and we all meet for happy hour in a common area, once again with a great view and the gambling is on each night to see who is closest to the exact minute of sunset!
They also gamble on a beer can race each Friday evening, too funny, all the cans are decorated and set up like a horse race. For 5 pesos you can choose your horse and cheer him on to the finish line

So, never having spent more than a week in one park in all our travels except for our Habitat builds, here again is a new experience. It didn't take long to figure out that we could be as busy and involved as we want to be, so we are striking a nice balance I think.
Here are the possibilities and I will add a# behind the things we do.Roll the dice an
Every day, walking group at 6:30, another one at 7.
Every day, volleyball in the pool at 10 #

Rather large teams! but it doesn't matter. Whoever shows up.....plays!

Where are you sunglasses Dave?

Good serve!

Mon, Wed, Fri, water aerobics at 9 #
Tues, Thurs, Sat Kinetics at 8 # followed by stretch classes #
Thurs at 10 Bible study #, oops missed that one this week, was late getting back from the tiande
Bridge Tues and Thurs #, missed that too as we stopped and had lunch downtown with a friend at Jamie y Hindes
Games night on Thursday evenings, alternating between bingo and Trivia Pursuit
All these activities are free.

Cancer de Mama clinic is the first weekend in Feb but prep work began this week. We sorted thousands of bras that have been donated and the hats, wigs and scarves were sorted by another group.
The volunteer meeting was on Tuesday and woman came from as far away as Bucerias and all committe chair people described their roles and how many  helpers were need for the four day event.
Check their website at to see the incredible work that has been done and the stories told. Check out all the tabs and maybe you would like to sew, knit or crochet at home. I would gladly bring all donations down with me next year. It is amazing hoe a Canadian women has become one of the Mexican heroes this year.

Meals: Every day, breakfast at the poolside
Sun hamburger night 40 pesos followed by a dance
Tues Taco night, pollo, carne or pescado, 20 pesos with a free margarita
Wed night, special meal. last night it was spaghetti with a sauce and garlic bread to die for, a huge Caesar salad and a glass of wine for 100 pesos.

This was our table at taco night

and the food was served here
and this was the view!!!!

Tues and Sat there is a farmers market here with everything you would possibly need
Saturday Yolanda brings a truck of homemade fresh bread, muffins and loaves.

Of course the pool and ocean are available 24/7 and the library is huge so I think someone could stay on site and only leave if they wanted to.

Most licence plates say BC
The following photos are out and about in the park
Tenting area

with our happy breakfast cook

Painting trim on the office

The clubhouse

One of the baskets Dave may have made in the last few visits to La Penita

However, there is a mass exodus on Thursday for the huge tiange (market) a ten minute walk from here in La Penita. We went down today and it was absolutely packed! I think there may be at least 300 vendors but I will double check next week. Anyone need a blender part????? One whole section is for the local Mexican family with everything from shoes to mechanic parts. The tourist section has everything you see in any large tourist center.

Two Port Albernians are in Guayobitos for two weeks so we will spend the afternoon with them tomorrow. Next week we will go to Bucerias, just down the highway to visit more folks from Alberni and experience the Taste of La Cruz with them and on the 19th, our friend from Comox arrives so more good meals and lots of music I imagine.
He is bringing Dave's hiking boots for the Inca Trail in Peru.... now that is a real friend!! On condition that he can find them in Dave's shop!!!

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