Friday, January 16, 2015

Leaving Mexico, on to Cuba

Jan 17, 2015

Two Cultural Awareness classes since I last did our blog, both very informative.

Session 1 with Linda explained the differences between Cold Climate Countries and Hot Climate Countries, some issues locally that have northerns question and the reasons for the different perspectives.
She addressed: noise, dogs, burning garbage and the sense of time, nothing new for Dave and I after four winters here but we totally agree with her...big improvements over these last few years, change takes time!!

Session 2 had Dr Roberto Pimienta Woo tell us the history of this Bay area, very interesting, this time most information was new for us.
He finished off the evening with his concern for the present situation with the sanitation system. The treatment plant, built in 2008, at great expense, has only worked for three years. For the last three years, everything has been sent to the treatment plant and returned in the same condition!!! without being treated. Yikes!
 He has worked very hard to get government officials to read  the book he wrote while researching at a University in Montreal and had had many meetings out of concern for the youth and elderly in the area, no response to date.

Next week's session is with Robin Rudolph, my Spanish teacher, who will share common courtesies in therms of the language here.

I think most of the Jan-March folks are here now. We are eight from Port Alberni alone and I keep saying that Vancouver Island rises three inches in the winter because of all the snowbirds in the area.

Bridge continues to be a highlight for us, we are up to six tables at Esmerelda's on Thursday afternoons and the Sat night two table bridge is very special. We meet for dinner at six, then play cards until we have had a turn with the other seven players.

Dave has finished his painting at the alburque, had his Wed bike group with him again as they did the outside walls of the clinic, the interior of the fifteen living quarter rooms and the laundry area. Many thinks to Rich, Greg, Jack, Bob, Lew and Nicole.
 NOW the paint clothes can go in the garbage!!

back of Dr Rosa's clinic

Laundry area wall painted and sink area tiled

Outdoor kitchen


Living quarters

side of clinic building

Before and during the tiling project

Two other folks, Nicole and Dominique have tiled the laundry area this week so all will be ready for the next group of migrant workers, sad this year that the peppers were not planted because it was so wet and that has affected 3000 workers.

We are now in the home stretch for Melaque this year, have one week left and just this morning I did an inventory of the fridge and cupboards.
Dave is cooking birirra with the goat he butchered last month and we will have fish tacos quite often this week from the dorado he caught with Dan!!
The rest of the groceries can go to Camie and Dean who arrive early in Feb and use our apartment.

The cold/cough has hit our area, most northerns have at least one person in their dwelling with the hack, royal pain I say! but I understand it is also in our home town up north and that some of the care homes are closed to visitors, that time of year I guess.

So, this may be the last post from Mexico this year.
Birds aplenty in La Manz

Terry, Dave and Jack hike to the falls

and have a refreshing swim

Farewell Barra

and Melaque, see you January 2016

We will be in Cuba for the month of Feb, getting lots of suggestions from fellow travellers but a blog sent to me may be our real experience.
 One week in Havana then following our noses to Trinidad, Cienfugeos and Mantanzas., flying home from Varadero
Taking three packages on behalf of Canada Cuba Luthier Coop, so really looking forward to meeting those folks and learning about their culture.

Sketchy wifi in Cuba so may not post until our return to Canada March 1  Enjoy!

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