Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Florence, Italy, Aug 2,2016

Florence, Aug 2

Wonderful included breakfast on the rooftop terrace, watching massive restoration on the cathedral next door. Even served a second cappuccino by Fabio. Will have a hard time reverting to Canadian coffee!

This apartment is only one year old in a 300 year old building! Very modern, three rooms and a focus on a classy breakfast, great start to the day.

Yikes, English for the first few days, then French, German for a week, just getting back on track there with "danka" and "bitta" when we switch to "gracie" and "beunjourno"

Transfer city photos from Dave's camera when we get home. He took some awesome shots on his early morning walk.

Wow! These Italians drive fast and talk fast too. Our day bus tour was zippity, one hardly had time to snap photos, let alone take notes like we did in Vienna, sure hope I can match the places in the blog with our photos on FB

Blue line
San Lorenzo Market, lots of leather products and silk. Stopped for lunch, prosciutto sandwich for Dave and a pork one for me
Basilica S Lorenzo and Medici Chapel
Florence's Duomo and Giotto Bell Tower
Bascilia S M Novella
Ponte Vecchino
Palazzo Pitti
Arc de triomphe
Santa Croce
Galileo Museum
Verdi Theratre
Academia Gallery (David)

Yellow Line
Uffizi Gallery
Up into the hills to Fiesole, an Etruscan-Roman town, dating back to 1st century, impressive view from the top of this hill.
Cypress and forked pine trees
Stonecutters Road
Test spot for Da Vinci's flying machine
Franciscan monastery created by Michelangelo
Dante's writing created here
Roman baths behind the cathedral in Fiesole at the very peak of the mountain top.as well as Teatro Romano,
Maiano,mountaintop resort town for artists
Olive plantation, share cropping, Tuscan oil, lowest in acidity
Queen Victoria visited here and did painting
Campo de stadium, aug 26, 1926, opened in 1931, one of the best in the world at that time and now one of the best in Italy,holds 40,000 people, home to the famous Italian soccer team, Florentina
Via des Artistes
National Library
Plazzale Michelangelo
Forte de Belevedere
Plazzale  Galileo, instruments he used to find Jupiter's satellites, sun spots and mountains on the moon
Florence has been named Jewel of the Renaissance, the Medici family
Tchaikovsky's house and his music between the stops and commentaries
1590-1595 fortress now houses the royal stables
Gustav Oppenheim's jealousy shown in the villa he built for his wife.
1951 first fashion show by Georgina,now contemporaries Gucci, Armani etc keeps Florence in the top fashion, haut couture.
15 percent of all Italian leather makers and fashion is in Florence
Shoes of leather capital
Gucci museum
Dropped off at Central station, walked home and have the orange at Milton 71 to end our day.  Sorry I didn't think of it on the top of the hill with Michelangelo's famous statue.
Relaxing on the rooftop, an early to bed because tomorrow is a full day in Tuscany and Pisa, wine tasting along the way so maybe no blog tomorrow night!

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