Friday, August 26, 2016

Pont Aven

Last day in Bretagne Aug 25 Pont -Aven Wow! I love this place! An artist's retreat of the past now celebrating famous people in a museum which once was Hotel Julia. This Julia was a business lady who housed artists, along with two other hotels. Artists came for the natural surroundings and because there was available temporary housing for them and a community of like minded people. This Musee De Pont-Aven has three floors with individual guide sound system so one can take their good old time admiring the works as well as the wood working in the large salon, once the dining room of the hotel. The temporary exhibition was incredible but of interest for us was the work of Paul Gauguin, whose work we had seen in Tahiti. Here was his whole story as well as his influence at the Pont-Aven School, exhibits named: Synthetisme, the quest for spirituality, the founders of the school, from landscape to artwork, artists accommodations, The Nabis and Pont-Aven after Gaugin Walked the streets and bridges, a true Bretagne experience, almost bought a Bretagne jacket and t-shirt but absolutely no room in luggage after my purchase of a Gaugin poster, Pont-Aven tins of biscuits and a sac, "Toute la Bretagne que j'aime". For fun, we checked the posters in the real estate office, the area between here and Beg Meil very reasonable. Spent 10-4 in the area then head home as Company was expe ted Camille felt the need to regain his honour at petonque so the guys played at La Cale, right at the harbour with a backdrop to die for. I did some photos then head to la petite plage, two blocks from their home, watched some German children learn to swim in the Atlantic and a dad with his three year old triplets launch their kite. Then just sat and soaked up the scene... Anchored boats, white sand, huge rocks, Concarneau across the bay, paddle boarders and kayakers. What a dinner!! Started with kir and pate followed by langostine and black crab with Camille's homemade mayonnaise. Next course... Ray and capers.. Our first experience and a taste unlike anything I could identify, English potatoes peeled with the seven stroke rule, French beans and tarte aux pommes. The boys continued the evening to midnight but I caved at 11, packed for the train ride in the morning, leaving the house at 8:30 for the 30 minute ride to Quimper. This Bretagne experience will never be forgotten Locronan, Quimper, Pont-Aven, Concarneau and Beg Meil.

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