Monday, November 19, 2018

Zamora and Chilchota with the Nanas

Zamora trip  Feb, 2018           Unfortunately I cannot upload photos at present, will work on it.

7 hours bus to Zamora, arrived by 8
El Hotel

Day 2
Breakfast at 7
Bus left at 9
Chilchota at 10
Needed to do a bus test, so Ramon and Salvador went ahead to check the road.
Need an offering , something natural. So fruit and water bought.
The bus could not do the road to the hilltop so three taxis took is to the base of the hill. Those who have mobility issues were taken to the top. The rest Got out and were greeted by the nanas, covered in confetti and given banners to wave. Then the dance began up the mountain. The music was not loud enough so Salvador ran ahead and returned with a big speaker on his shoulder. Then the dance began.
At the top we found it all set up for us, the tent top with all the tables and chairs, the ladies kitchen and the sweat lodge with the fire ready to go.

Salvador did a welcome speech, followed by a representative of the mayor of the area . The nanas, with their beautiful embroidered blouses and aprons and skirts with a thousand pleats. were introduced. Then Tata Shaman did a welcome a d explained the ceremony for the fire lighting and our healing by burning the pine stick after it had been swooped over the part of the body that requires healing.
The fire needed to burn for an hour and a half before we enter the sweat lodge.
Line up to get smudged then enter .
The offering was collected, blessed and taken away to be cut up

The lodge had four stages, some stayed for one, others for two or three or the hardy ones stayed for four.

The ladies cooked all afternoon. Grinding blue corn, pumpkin seeds
Making fish balls.

When the last folks emerged from the lodge we had our nopale soup and fish balls.
Then had a talking circle where we asked Tata and Salvador questions about their Culture and their dreams for the future. Meanwhile tamal bread was steaming for 90 minutes, then served with atoll.

Day 3
Bus left hotel at 9, met by four taxis and a truck to take us up the hill, greeted by the nanas .
Birthday ceremony for Salvador, song sung in English then Spanish then Tata gave the blessing, smudging happened. Traditional hand ahaking and best wishes.

Demonstrations and encouraged participation in curunda making, pottery making, wheat grinding, needlepoint and cross stitch.
My curunda was a square shape instead of a star as all the nanas were.
Dave ground some wheat but found it a bit of a challenge. Lots of folks made pottery bowls and received a kiln finished one as a gift.
Dinner was the curunda.
More participants from the locals today.
and then one surprise after another!!

The dance of the viejos (old Men)

Gift giving dance

Dance on the field after being presented a pottery candy dish on a yellow ribbon as well as an embroidered square

Fireball hockey game. Black versus white

bus back to hotel at 8 after the back of the truck ride down the hill

Day 4
Little sleep in. Breakfast at 8;30 then a walkabout. Found the huge market, bought congola and some cookies made right in the passageway, flipped by the daughter of the baker.
Bus left at 11 and arrived back in Barra at 6:30.

An amazing unforgettable experience to be repeated by Linda next year with two bus loads instead of one. I recommend folks to sign up early.

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