Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 2 with my private guide.

March 6, 2014

Raymer arrived at 8:50 and we walked over to the Sun Temple

Sun corner, where on summer solstice, light illuminates the interior of the whole temple

The secret to no mortar

chink and polish

how the huge blocks were moved

Overlooking their draiange system

Good morning Cusco!

We were picked up outside the temple and taken to Saqsahuaman, pronounced locally as Sexy Woman.

From the air, this looks like the head of a puma with the teeth the zigzag exterior.

Who moved these monsters?

Hard to capture the concept of the teeth except from an airplane

Feeling rather small today

Next ruin was called, the tunnels in the rocks

The puma again

Next, high in the mountains to the natural baths for the royalty, Tamnomachay

That is meters folks!! so chewing on cocoa leaves again today

These two streams, two different temperatures come from unknown sources

And the last stop of the day....Pukapukara, the lookout for all the trails from all the different directions.

Raymer made me do it!

One can see far and wide

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