Friday, November 21, 2014

Celebrating in Barra de Navidad

Nov 21, 2014
Today marks the 450th anniversary of the expedition to the Philippines from Barra. 
To mark the special event, three days of celebration are taking place.

Tonight we followed the parade of dignitaries from el jardin to the malecon, heard speeches from the Philippine Ambassador, the governor of the state of Jalisco, the mayor of Cihuatlan and of Barra.

Amazingly enough, I understood most of the Spanish speeches.....could not have said that four years ago!

Barra's beach has been rebuilt

with sand dredged from the lagoon behind Barra, sloped situation makes one leg shorter than the other if you walk it too often!

Parade guides

Blow the conch to get things started

Bird of paradise , at least  20 of these arrangements along the route

Characters from the era

stores open along the way

High school students were hosts  but how do they walk on cobbles in these heels?

approaching the melanin

Grand Bay Hotel across the lagoon

This ground cover was planted on the new sand to prevent erosion in the next storm

Elementary students in their school uniforms  lined both sides of the malecon waving Mexican and Philippian flags

Bandstand up ahead

That lonely palm on the point of Isla Navidad

So much sand added here

In front of sea Master

Dinner at Nachos

an incredible orchestra from Chapala

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