Saturday, December 27, 2014

Rounding out 2014

Dec 27, 2014

Not so great at keeping our blog up to date this year so will post random photos for the month of December.

A major highlight was our Christmas week in Morinville with Andy and his family. What a treat to see our little men on skates and to walk in the crisp frosty air with them, do some Christmas baking (gumdrop cake) bits and bites and to be spoiled with awesome meals.
Red long johns were the Christmas Eve  gifts, great chuckles on how to go to the bathroom. Garrett said he was glad he was a boy because there was room between the button holes! That is him across our knees, did not want to show his face!

Duck for Christmas dinner was delicous, our first but definitely not our last as we requested that they do the same meal at our home next year!
Bits and bites underway

While they bake, we decorate our gingerbread man and lady

no tasting!!

garlic butter for the bites and bites

After two short sessions at skating, they are off and racing!

and of course Santa came!!

Fresh haircuts

Lots of surprises

Outdoor tree with fresh dusting of snow.

We chuckled as our plane touched ground in Manzanillo delivering us to a 48 degree difference!  Minus  19 in Edmonton and plus 29 here. We were met by Elaine, Pokey and Willie.
Willie is Jane's dog and they also went north for Christmas and a family wedding. They better return soon because Willie is being a little flirt, jumped in the front seat and became my lap dog.

Meanwhile, while we were gone, they had a very successful posada  for the migrant children.

Dr Rosa forever smiling!

The hard working team, Bruce, Sooz, Roxanne and Dr Rosa and Feliz Navidad!

Now that the holidays are winding down, Dave and team are ready for phase two of the painting, Dr Rosa's clinic and then tiling the laundry area.
The residents were so pleased when they arrived to freshly painted dorms.

This little guy appreciates recycling!!!

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