Sunday, August 7, 2016

Moving on to Napoli

Aug 7,
 en route to Naples An early start, up at 6, breakfast at 7, shuttle bus from this beautiful mountainside Gemelli at 7:58 for the 8:27 train to La Spezia.
 Transfer to platform 3 train at 10:06 to Rome, arrive 2:23 Nope, not that arrival time! Stopped at Orbetello Monte Argentario And just sat for four hours because somewhere along the line between here and Rome there is a fire beside the tracks and the fire crew was putting it out.
3:26 train to Naples arrive 5:30 was the first plan! Now we arrive in Rome at 6:30. A fellow passenger phoned our Band B to let them know we would not make the pre arranged 6 o'clock check in plan.
 Followed the coast once we got moving again? Hundreds of sailboats in docks. Civitavecchia, large town/ city. Right on the water. S Sevena, we needed to stop to change staff, guess they have put in their hours waiting with us for the four and half hours back at Orbetello! Then the doors wouldn't close so another wait! We are having a great laugh with the six Italians in our section, thinking we might sleep on this train before we get to Rome. They say to us " Welcome to Italia" !!!
So we do arrive at 7:15 in Rome , run to platform 10 and get the high speed yo Naples, only 300 km per hour! Arrived Naples 8:30, had a friendly rail worker phone our hosts and get directions, just walk they say, only 1 km.
Okay, it's dark, there is a big festival happening and I had read in the comments on Trip Advisor that this accom was difficult to find because of the wonky numbering system in Naples So, hired a taxi, what a hoot!
There is no way we would have found this place but what a treasure when we did get there. This is our third experience of someone buying a floor in a heritage building and turning it into 5 very modern rooms with king sized beds, wonderful shower facilities, the bidet, of course and a very welcoming dining area for our breakfast. The balcony looks down on a courtyard, the common area for the rest of the apartment block. Naples Royal House B&B Corso Umberto 1,311 Naples 80138 390 811 900 5277 conf # 130497738822
good bye Cinque Terra

To bed at 10 in anticipation for a big day tomorrow to Pompeii and Vesuvius.

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