Friday, August 5, 2016

Day 2 in Cinque Terre

Aug 5
Dave left on the 7:58 bus and I continued with a very relaxed breakfast and caught the 10:05 bus to Riomaggiore, walked the upper level, awesome views of the harbour, caught the 12:03 train to Monterosso on an all day pass which cost 16 Euros.
While waiting for the bus on this upper level highway, at least ten tour buses passed. They drop their tourists and leave the village until pick up time.
Today there are no boat tours because of high winds so everyone is using the trains. Sardines on some cases, especially Manarola to Vernazza
 At Montorooso, got those feet into the sea. This is a seashore town, everything right at sea level. Restaurants all along the boardwalk. Checked hotel prices here with the ocean view, double what we are paying for our fantastic view in Riomaggiore.
 Then Vernazza, the bustling food centre with a dock for renting boats and kayaks. No rentals today because of waves crashing over the street. Bought focaccia for our evening snack, one margarita and one salami, 6 Euros for dinner, not bad! I was to buy our dinner and Dave , the wine.
 Huge thunder claps and blinking of store lights so I moved on, wanting to do Corniglia today because of the good weather conditions, nice cloud cover and cooler temps.
Tomorrow it could be raining or blistering hot so we "make hay when the sun shines"!
It is 300 steps up from the train station so wet bricks could be tricky and 34 degree temperature, a killer .When you looked up it appeared as a long line of ants climbing the very well maintained brick steps.
Twice along the route we had musicians playing, good encouragement. At one spot a happy accordion player and further up, a guitarist and bongo drummer.
 At the top I found the path that leads to Manarola but that is a two hour walk so back down for the train is a better idea.
Rested at the Basilica, sure can't figure out how they built it way up there! Then a stroll down their main street with the best coffee of the whole trip at Cae Maffeo and only 2 Euros to boot!
 Manarola Very interesting village with the fisherman's boats all parked in the main street! And when one sees the harbour, it is hard to believe they can even put their boats in there. The boats are on a set of wheels, I would love to be there when they roll them down the steep street and launch them.
 Back to our Riomaggiore, stopped at the first grocery store, silly, I know better! It is like buying gas at the first station at the entrance to town! Oh well, we will savour this special cheese and necterine. 6:00 bus back to duo gemilli. Dinner on our balcony. Dave's photos from his cliff top hike are incredible, can't wait to get home and download them.

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