Monday, March 13, 2017

Reflections on the winter season/ home

We are no longer on vaction here! Four years ago it became obvious that this was our winter home.
There is a huge difference between a winter vacation and a winter home!

Vacation implies restaurant meals , drinks, laundry service and cleaning staff. If that were the case for us, we would be 400 pounds and bordering on alcoholism!
Instead, we behave like tourists when friends come to visit from the north.
Otherwise, our lovely apartment overlooking the bay is our home. Over the years we have transferred from camping mode from having a few personal belongings, to filling one tote, then two and now three!  Plus plastic bags filled with lawn chairs, beach umbrella, yoga mats and sun hats.
The totes  contain some special dishes, glasses, slow cooker, biking, swimming and pilate supplies and Mexico clothes, towels, hammock etc.
Over the years we have been infused with Mexican culture, becoming part of the community, especially on our west end of Melaque neighbourhood, both Mexican and expat.
Daily life has a pattern. Folks start off bright and early sweeping their section of sidewalk of the palm fronds and leaves that have fallen overnight. Then a sprinkling of water to keep down the dust for the day. Before or after that is the sound of the garbage truck with joyful voices of the workers, mostly by 6 am. Throughout the morning one will hear announcements from the propane truck, water trucks, laundry pick up vans, vegetable choices, watermelon and orange men, boloillo and muffin folks,shrimp man, cocnut macaroon friend etc etc
Early on ,the beach venders start their day in front of our place...jewellery, baskets, toys, coconut macaroons, muffins, bolillos, fruit drinks, belts, sunglasses  etc. They work the beach in the mornings, have a siesta in the shade of our building and back on the beach for the later afternoon.

The clop clop of horses is common, sometimes the locals and sometimes a group of seven expats trying out the beach scenery from that vantage point.

Five restaurants across the street have busy times , different days of the week. As they all have beaxh tables and umbrellas, a lot of business is done throughout the afternoon.
For the evenings, one restaurant has dances three nights a week, pleasing the northerners with rock and roll. They also have an open mike two afternoons a week.
Another one has live  listening music most nights. The other two have a Mexican clientele but we have eaten  at all of them.

Speaking of restaurants, one could eat at a different one for the three months you are here and still miss a few. Between restaurants and laundry facilities, it appears to be the "go to" business for many.
Not sure how they all make a living but happy in their space  and very hospitable.

The number of Canadians has increased noticeably over the last three years. Our end of town a good mixture of English and French. Christian has created a very impressive Que Mex campground facility that was full this year for the first time ao now he is expanding into home building around the same area.
English folks return to the same bungalows each year.. Bahia, Pariaso, Rosale, Camino del Mar, Hamacas, Hermosa, Los Arcos, La Paloma, El Dorado,Ricardos and at the other end of the bay, Laguna Los Tules.. once setlled in to a place you enjoy, you are quick to place a deposit for the following year.
Trucks with fifth wheels and motorhomes tuck into unused lots in all neighbourhoods, giving them more privacy than a formal campground. There are five campgrounds, three right on the beach and two a block or two back from the beach.

So as we pack up and day our good byes, I get a better sense of what it is like for folks with summer cottages in Canada...happy beginnings to the season and bitter sweet endings.

We leave bright and early Wednesday morning, March 15, quick stops in PV and then La Penita for lunch at Irma's , sleeping north of Tepic at Las Palomas Express.   March 16 in Mazatlan at Torres, the next few nights poking around in San Carlos and Guaymas and crossing the border at Lukeville.
Booked into Oasis in Palm Springs Mar 21-24 then LA at the Camelot until April 1. Disneyland, here we come, to share fun and laughter with our son's family.
Home, probably by April 6 or 7 in time for our blooming daffodils and Easter.

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