Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 18, 19 Stewart, Hyder,, Spatsizi, Kinaskan,Dease Lake, Jade City

Tuesday, July 18

Stewart Museum then back to Glacier Inn to be Hyderized! Nasty stuff, 150 proof! And made a flame on the counter. Throats still burning well into the afternoon! And to think they have been serving this poison since 1956!

Afternoon drive was up the Cassiar, very good highway with lovely scenery, at times reminding us of Austria. And as we near the Spatsizi Plateau area, we think of Dr Val and Renata Geist who spent at least one year in those hills in a cabin with small children, studying the mountain sheep. What a winter that must have been! His book is an interesting read.

Stop for the night by 4:30 at Kinaskan Provincial Park with time for a kayak paddle before dinner. Good swimming, boating and fishing lake.

Wed, July 19

Started the day on the lake in kayaks and fishing rod. Three hits and one to the boat. And a bare hook to boot!
Overcast morning, great weather for travelling, 11 degrees at 11 o'clock when we hit the road.

Stop at Iskut for gas and propane then on to Dease Lake, Jade City and Boya Lake Pr Park for more paddling and fishing.

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