Monday, August 29, 2016

Our last two days in France

Aug 29-31 Visiting folks we have met over the years at Crochet functions. Last two days in France, Aug 29-31 ON train to Plaisir Grignon for a sleepover with Maryvonne and Laurent. Lovely walk through their sweet small village, view over the open fields, to the site of the eternal tree which their boys had planted 30 years ago, now a little park beside the ancient wash house and a plaque for the Noah family, Yanick Noah, an Olympian tennis player. Then to the church and the school maternalle where their boys attended. Appetitifs in a beautiful garden she has created..Then dinner... Barbecue lamb chops and sausage with a gratin de zucchini, followed by a wonderful cheese plate then a cake, Charlotte des peches. Big sleep and a lovely breakfast in their sun room and to the station with Laurent on his way to work. Caught the 9:56 to Montparnesse, then Metro 4 to Reameur and 3 to Temple. Jewish quarter and then to Marche Enfants Rouges yo see the oldest market, built on the site of the orphanage where all the children wore red coats. then back to apartment in the morning, picked up by Maryvonne to visit Memi, our 95 year old sweetie, spend the night at the Cormiers and head to Charles de Gaulle early Wed morning for the return to YVR. Quelle belle soiree avec Helene et Gege et ses voisins, mais j'ai mange trop et j'ai bu trop du vin, alorsj' etait mal a la tete pour le voyage chez nous!! Ce ne fait rien!! Le finer etait superbe! Canard avec les choux fleurs de coco et currie! , quatre fromages et la mousse de chocolat avec les petits meringues pour dessert. Joie du vivre!!

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