Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Feb 10-17, 2017

Head up to Puerto Vallarta for three days and stayed at Vallarta Torres.
Had the grand pleasure of stopping at two snorkel beaches on the way up, Tenacatita and Perula.
Because of full moon and high tide, we had a little scramble to the snorkel rocks. picnic lunch on Perula beach was special.
I turned sideways to meet one of those big waves at Tenacatita and felt an owie in my left knee, walked it off and on our way.

The boys did a grocery shop so our first meal was in the condo, the second dinner on site at their restaurant with lovely music and the third night was with ten of us to celebrate Dawne's birthday.
Los Ayalitos did a fine job of honoring the birthday girl... a good shot of tequila, birthday cake  and Mexican sombreos for everyone. Dave got the well used one, when he put it on the brim became a necklace!!
We were very lucky to connect with Dave's sister and family from the Maritimes.
Somehow popped my left knee moving a coffee table, very swollen and painful then the sciatica kicked in for the night. "sleepless in Vallarta". This was probably the last straw for the knee after the wave incident earlier in the day.
A turtle release happened in front of our place Sunday evening after spending the day at the malecon  then the next day a  trip to Nuevo, Bucerias and Sauylita..
Return to Melaque on Tuesday  after saying bye to the Mallons..
Went straight to Dr Rosa who worked on my knee for two hours. Laser treatment on the muscles, a nerve blocker and cortisone shot, then physio and a taped knee. Booked for a MR I the following day in Colima to deyermine the exact spot of the tendon tear so she can start plasma treatment. She thinks the tear is The ACL which has caused the knee cap to move. We'll see.
Dave took the a day trip to the banana plantation on the 15th,  I chose not to go, would be silly with the knee siruation.
Friends from La Penita for three days, farewell dinner for neighbours at our place, Mexican lasagna then Saturday night with the neighbours , dinner by Titos.
Dave not back to pickleball full force but does do line judging at the tournaments.

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